5 | November | 2012    by PROVERSUS


On the 1st November Agustín García Calvo left us. He was poet, dramatist, philosopher, grammarian… National Theatre Award, National Literature Award, National Theatre Translation Award, genius, poet and Ester Bellver’s master and friend. When she knew he was weak, she decided to offer him a tribute before he left. She created “All for one” a poetic recital with his texts. Agustín has followed the creation process closely, even travelling from Zamora to Madrid to attend the performance, despite being weak and ill, 10 days before his death. He not only saw the show that is being performed at the Sala Triángulo in Madrid, but also made his last public appearance, reciting his own sonnets at the end of the show, “Be proud of your failures”. The show also finishes with these sonnets.

Even though he is known as a genius within the profession, his texts have never been staged. Only “Don Pedro’s deck of cards” was performed many years ago at the Abadía Theatre and now “All for one”. Today it is his only show that exists, and performing it is the best way of playing tribute to this author, keeping him alive in people’s minds and bringing his work to new audiences.

You can see a moving moment from his last public appearance by clicking here:


AGC is still alive inside his texts, inside his word. More alive than ever.
Enorgullécete de tu fracaso,
que sugiere lo limpio de la empresa:
luz que medra en la sombra, más espesa
hace la sombra y más durable acaso.
No quiso Dios que dieras ese paso,
y ya del solo intento bien le pesa;
que tropezaras y cayeras, ésa
es justicia de Dios: no le hagas caso.
¿Por lo que triunfo y lo que logro, ciego,
me nombras y me amas?: yo me niego,
y en ese espejo no me reconozco.
Yo soy el acto de quebrar la esencia:
yo soy el que no soy. Yo no conozco
más modo de virtud que la impotencia.
Pero no cejes; porque no se sabe
cuándo pierde el amor, dónde la tierra
volteando camina, ni qué encierra
mensaje del que nadie tiene clave.
Pues el Libro Mayor (y eso es lo grave)
del Debe y el Haber nunca se cierra,
y acaso acierte el que con tino yerra;
ni es nada el mundo hasta que el mundo acabe.
Si te dicen que Dios es infinito,
di que entonces no es; y si finito,
que lo demuestre pues y que concluya.
Pero no hay Dios ni hay Ley que a contradanza
no se pueda bailar. Tu muerte es tuya.
Tu no saber es toda tu esperanza.

You can see “All for one”, EVERY SUNDAY IN NOVEMBRE at 20:30 at Sala Triángulo, Madrid.
(20, calle Zurita . Metro Lavapiés)
It opened in Palencia on June 16, ran in Barcelona in July and this autumn we will be able to enjoy it in Madrid.
If you would like to know more about this show, click here :

These are some of the press releases where “All for one” stands out as Agustín García Calvo’s tribute :



OCIOGAY (Luis Andrés)



Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU
Project financed by INAEM, Ministry of Culture and Sports